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第三十四個星期:Hanging Out in the City

星期五:Today after class we ll had a field trip to a buddhist organization that works as one of the city's recycling plants. We first all went out to lunch together, and then met up at the plant where we sort of helped recycle for a few hours but were mostly led on a fairly boring tour through the plant and given a lot of tea. They definitely do a good job of recycling though as Taiwan has the second highest recycling rate in the whole world.

After sort of recycling, I went out with Becca, Mackenzie, and Anthony for some gelato at a cute little shop in the area and then for some dumplings at a place Anthony knew of. From there we just hung out in the city: we walked around for a bit and then went to a hotel where Anthony's host sister works to see the view from the top, and then we shopped around a mall for a bit.

It was really fun just to hang out for the afternoon in Kaohsiung with everyone since it's been a while since we've done that.

(trying to be helpful at the recycling plant)

(still at the recycling plant)

(view from the hotel we stopped by)

(unrelated but here is the cute poster for host family recruitment for next year)

星期六:Today I mainly just played with my little host sister all day. We started out the morning with doing a bunch of puzzles until my host mom pulled out a 500 piece one, at which that point she decoded it was boring and left it for everyone else to do. We then did some of those iron bead art things where you make the design and melt it with the iron, and then spent the rest of the afternoon playing in the apartment pool. It was really fun just to hang out and home and be a fun older host sister for a day.

(doing puzzles with my little host sister)

星期天:Today my host family had to go out for a wedding, so I went out for some sushi and then went to a giant bookstore to look at cute stationary. While they had a lot of cute stuff, it was all pretty pricey, so I went down into the subway where they always have stands that just sell piles of cute things and got some fun pens with different cartoon characters on them.

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